Bonus Challenges

Brain Chase Challenges integrate the electives into the animated story and add academic variety and hands-on action to the program.

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Students can choose their other electives, but every Brain Chase participant will complete the same Bonus Challenges each KidswMedallions3week. These challenges tie directly into the animated story, and they might even provide clues to the location of the buried treasure. Some Bonus Challenges will be hands-on adventure tools mailed straight to your door. Others will be virtual challenges involving online scavenger hunts through museums, web-based science simulations, etc. But all Bonus Challenges are designed to diversify the core academic workload and provide a dose of surprise and variety to the program.


Examples of past Bonus Challenges:TRIO

  • Google Sky—This challenge involved identifying specific celestial constellations using the Google Sky application.
  • Smithsonian Museum Virtual Tour—Students were required to complete a virtual scavenger hunt for hidden objects within the Smithsonian.
  • Compass—Students also received a separate package containing a brass compass, which they used to complete an orienteering exercise.
  • Mystery ProjectStudents were surprised to find seeds in the mail! Once they planted the seeds and watered them, plants began to grow with secret messages on the leaves. No, really.

For more information about the Bonus Challenges, email us at

Solve the puzzles using exclusive Brain Chase gear.