Parent Reviews
“Thank you for Brain Chase. It is quickly becoming a highlight of our kid’s childhood. This is truly education done right.”
“My kids love it. Can’t get enough of it. Your nefarious plan to trick kids into doing school work over the summer is working to perfection!”
“…Seriously, this is the coolest at-home summer learning program :)”
“Brain Chase truly was what we needed this summer, in so many ways. I just want to personally thank you for putting this together. Though our children did not find the treasure, we know that the knowledge gained was worth so much more. We look forward to seeing what you come up with for next year.”
“We’ll definitely be back – well done, Brainchase! I just wish every child could do this.”
Click here to see more parent reviews.
“I LOVE BRAIN CHASE!!! I get to participate in a real life adventure just like Nancy Drew. I love all the really fun bonus projects… I enjoy the videos and feel really close to the characters.”
“It is fun and you learn without even realizing it (sort of). Plus, you get to pick where the treasure is everyday and that’s always exciting!”
“So far Braincase is like spice of our summer time :)”
“Brain Chase is super fun, gives me something productive to do in the summertime, and I want to hear more about Mae Merriweather and her adventures.”
“The whole world loves it.”
“I love opening the letters and finding cool stuff and I love the games and all the fun stuff. I love to do the bonus I love brain chase!”
Click here to read more student reviews.
*Read our Facebook reviews by clicking here.