The poem below will lead you to a specific library branch in the Dallas library system, and a specific book within that branch.

Go, and get set! But first, get on your mark;
An imposing adventure awaits your embark.

Five letters ensure that you won't search in vain,
But a grand nom de plume the initials might name.

Though it feels like five miles as the crow flies, don't tarry!
Read the path that will lead to the fated library,

Then drift to the book so the prize you may win
And be first to obtain what is waiting therein.

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Book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Author: Mark Twain
Library: Preston Royal Branch; 5626 Royal Lane Dallas, TX 75229

Step one: Solve the maze entering from top right.

Step two:
“An imposing adventure awaits your embark.”
“Though it feels like five miles as the crow flies, don't tarry!
Read the path that will lead to the fated library.

Superimpose the maze solution on a map of the Dallas area. The poem tells you path ends at a library, and that it starts 5 miles out (as the crow flies) from that library. This helps you know how to scale your map to fit the route through the maze.

Step 3: Read the path that will lead to the fated library.

Read the street names from the map on your way to the library. In order, they are: 1. 75 (Seventy-five); 2. LBJ Freeway; 3. Coit Road; 4. Alpha Rd.; 5. Hillcrest Rd. 6. Forest Lane; 7. Tollroad; 8. Royal Lane

Step 4:
Five letters ensure that you won't search in vain,
“But a grand nom de plume the initials might name.”

Select five streets starting with letters that are important initials in this riddle:

1. Seventy-five - S - Samuel
2. LBJ – L – Langhorne
3. Coit – C - Clemens

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whose “nom de plume,” or pen name, is “Mark Twain.”

4. Hillcrest – H – Huckleberry
5. Forest Lane – F - Finn

Huckleberry Finn, the main character in our book.