Educational Programs
Customize Brain Chase to meet the needs of any student.

After School Programs
Brain Chase is great for After School programs to help reinforce math, literacy, and writing skills, to explore different interests, to use 21st Century skills, and to make learning fun in a creative, exploratory way. Our monthly escape room challenges occur during the Fall and Spring semesters and our global summer Treasure Hunt returns each June, with a real buried treasure waiting to be discovered.
Gifted & Talented
Brain Chase is ideal for Gifted and Talented Students to explore different interests through our electives and use higher learning skills to solve an ongoing mystery. Whether you use it as part of your pull-out program, as an after school club for gifted and talented, or to engage students through at-home enrichment, gifted and talented students will LOVE the competition and challenge of solving multidimensional puzzles.
Home School Progams
Brain Chase works with many Home School groups, providing supplemental curriculum and boosting 21st Century skills. But Home School groups can use Brain Chase for far more than academics with electives such as cooking, gardening, and chores. Whatever your students' needs, Brain Chase has a solution for you.
Home School ResourcesSTEM or STEAM ENRICHMENT
Brain Chase is an awesome way to incorporate or boost STEM and/or STEAM programming into your curriculum. Create a STEM or STEAM Brain Chase Adventure with our Engineering, Math, Art, Photography, Music or Coding electives.