Onboarding Instructions

Parents, it’s time to gear up.

As you know, packing for an adventure can take time and effort – but the preparation always makes everything go more smoothly down the road. Your child is about to embark on a six-week Summer Learning Challenge, and there’s a bit of work for you to do upfront.

Follow the three onboarding steps below to make sure that your child hits the ground running when the Chase begins on June 30th:

meet mae


1)  Create an account for your Child at Khan Academy

Setting up an account at Khan is fairly straight-forward – just go to www.khanacademy.org and follow the instructions. You’ll just need to get a username and password for your child (write these down – you’ll use them later), and you’ll need to add “info@brainchase.com” as your child’s coach. That’s all. Get your child set up with an account, and we’ll take care of the rest. Just be sure to update your Khan Account status on the Parent Dashboard.

Click here for more detailed instructions about setting up your Khan Academy account.


2)  Agree to the User Covenant

Honesty is the best policy – especially when learning is involved. We’ll need every student and parent to commit to playing by a few simple rules. Please link to your User Covenant directly through the Parent Dashboard.


3)  Update your Brain Chase account information

Before your children get started with the Challenge, we’ll need to gather some important information about them. On your Parent Dashboard, just click “Edit Info” for each student and fill in the required fields. Once our files are complete, the Grayson Academy of Antiquities will be sending your child a mysterious package in the mail – so don’t delay.


That’s it! You’re now ready to embark on the adventure. Log in anytime after 9am Eastern on Monday, June 30 to begin the Chase.

Questions? Email us at info@brainchase.com