Brain Chase Photography
Weekly instruction and personal feedback in one of the greatest art forms. It’s time to unlock your student’s inner photographer.
With cameras on most phones these days, chances are our kids are going to be taking photographs for their entire lives. Whether they’re into selfies or still-life photography, this elective will teach them basic photography skills such as composition, lighting, focal length, and more. Brain Chase photographers are standing by to provide personalized feedback and encouragement each week. We can’t wait to see what they create!
- You asked, and we answered! This was a highly-requested elective
- Works with any type of digital camera (iPad, phone, digital camera, etc.), as long as photos can be uploaded weekly
- Personal feedback from Brain Chase photographers
- Students must have access to a digital camera of some sort and the abi
lity to upload photographs each week.
- Please allow time each week for Brain Chase feedback and encouragement.
Questions? Email us at info@brainchase.com.