Book: The World of Fishing for Largemouth Bass
Call Number: 799.1773
Library: Seymour Branch; 2350 Eastern SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507; 616-988-5413
- To nail down the book: MOST of the notes in the bass clef, or bottom line of music, have staccatos, or dots, over them. BUT, the 7th note does not have a staccato, neither does the 9th note after that, or the 9th note after that, and so on. Starting at the beginning, staccatos are missing on the following notes: 7th…9th…9th…1st…7th…7th…3rd, or 799.1773, the call number of our book.
- To find the right library: Count the number of notes played in the bass clef in each measure: 6...1...6...9...8...8...5...4...1...3, the phone number to the Seymour Branch.
NOTE: To solve this riddle, you only needed to analyze the BASS clef, or bottom line, of the music. This was also a hint at the topic of our book: bass.