Rosetta Stone Troubleshooting
Having trouble using Rosetta Stone? See if your issue is listed below:
Headset Issues
Common Issues:
- The headset does not show up in the list of available microphones
- The microphone will not calibrate successfully in the microphone setup screen
- The microphone calibrates correctly, but perfoPagesrmance in the program is poor.
Ensure that you are using a headset that interfaces with the computer via a USB port. The headset should have the speakers and microphone all as one unit. Follow this link for additional troubleshooting tips.
Click here if you are using the Google Chrome web browser and having trouble recognizing your microphone.
Security Software Error Codes: 1119, 4111, 6111, 5222, 5223
Common Issues:
- Student receives any of the above error codes
- Student receives a blank loading screen when they launch the program
- Program freezes when trying to load a new lesson.
All of the above errors signify that security; either localized security such as anti-virus software, or larger network level security, is preventing the client computer from connecting to one or more namespaces, or downloading specific files the program needs to function. In order to resolve any of these errors, the student will need to set exceptions in the affected security to allow for the namespaces Rosetta Stone uses. Follow this link to the Technology Requirements Document, which has a list of namespaces and file types that Rosetta Stone uses, as well as information regarding internet cache.
Reporting Issues
Common Issues:
- The student believes the program is not recording as much time spent as they feel they have worked.
- The student does not see their progress.
It is important to know that the Rosetta Stone Enterprise and Education Version 3 software cannot lose data, and the reports are 100% accurate. The content delivery service we use is Akamai, which accounts for roughly 30% of the world’s internet content delivery. Their service is incredibly accurate and reliable. If a learner feels that they are not being credited for as much time as they are spending in the program, be advised that the program does not record any time spent idle at the home screen or any loading screens. Also check to make sure the student is not looking at the incorrect report, as there are different reports for each level. If a learner logs into the program and sees all of their progress gone, check to make sure they are not currently on an Adaptive Recall lesson. Adaptive Recall lessons appear periodically during the program and announce themselves when a learner first launches the program at the home screen. The Adaptive Recall lesson will “Gray Out” the rest of the lessons until the learner completes it, or chooses to skip it.
Additional Recommendations
- Although Rosetta Stone supports all major browsers, the program seems to work best in Chrome and Firefox
- Rosetta Stone does not have a specific USB headset model recommendation, but the headset should connect to the device via USB. Microsoft makes a Lifechat headset that is relatively cheap and seems to work really well with Windows machines.
Not finding what you’re looking for? Click here for the Rosetta Stone self-help page.