Setting Up An Account At Khan Academy
As part of the Summer Learning Challenge, your child will be required to earn 10,000 Khan Academy “energy points” each week. But first, they’ll need an account on the Khan website. All you’ll need to do is get a username and password for your student, and then identify Brain Chase as one of their “coaches.” We’ll take care of the rest. Here’s how you do it:
If you already have a Khan Academy account:
1) You DO NOT need to set up a new account. Brain Chase will work with your existing Khan account.
2) Please set Brain Chase as one of your coaches by following step 6 below. Then you’re all set!
If you are new to Khan Academy:
1) Log on to the Khan Academy website here
2) Create a parent account – click “Parents, start here,” then select either “Sign up with Facebook,” “Sign in with Google,” or “Sign up using email”
3) Follow the instructions to set up a student account. Be sure to select “Allow other coaches”
4) Log in as the student and select a grade level as a starting point. Don’t worry if your student is not yet comfortable functioning at that grade level – they can make adjustments as they go
5) Have your student take the short pretest. Khan uses this to make appropriate content recommendations later on
6) Set Brain Chase as one of your student’s “Coaches.” Here’s how:
- While logged in as the student, click on the student’s username in the upper right hand corner of the page. Then click their username again in the dropdown menu
- On the left-hand side of the screen, under “Community,” select “Coaches”
- In the “Add a Coach” field, input “” and submit. Your account is now ready to go
That’s it! Update your Khan Account status on your Parent Dashboard to let us know you’re ready.
Need a little extra help? Watch one user set up a child’s Khan Account here:
Questions? Email us at