Setting Brain Chase As Your Khan Academy Coach

Put me in, Coach!

Using an existing Khan Academy account instead of the one provided by Brain Chase? No problem! But please make sure Brain Chase is set up as your coach in Khan Academy so you can get credit for your work. Just follow the simple steps below to get set up.





  1. Log in to your account at Khan Academy with your existing username and password.
  2. Locate the navigation menu and select the “Coaches” option at the far right.braincoach
  3. You should now see a text field on the left of the screen. Type “” into the field and click “Join the class.” You should now see Brain Chase listed as one of your coaches on the right-hand side
  4. That’s it – you’re done! But please make sure you also log in to the Parent Dashboard and enter your existing Khan Academy credentials into the student profile for each student.