Escape Rooms for Events
Host an Escape Room team-building event for students or faculty.
Perfect for parties, PTA-led events, team-building, family nights, and more! Great for children and/or adults. (Age recommendation note: we have observed that students below the age of 12 benefit from the help of a parent, or with the help from extra hosts from your group).
The Escape Room experience will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete, at whatever date & time you choose.
Brain Chase will provide easy-to-use materials for hosting your event. Please expect approximately 24 hours after purchase to receive access to your game and materials from a member of the Brain Chase team.
About 30 minutes of preparation time is recommended; this includes reviewing the solution, setting up your conferencing technology, and sending information to your participants. Brain Chase is here to help along the way.
Choose from the Skeleton Key of Houdini, Plimoth Cornucopia, Escape from Mount Everest, and more.
Visit our SHOP to purchase your Escape Room. Contact us with any questions at