
Welcome to the 2017 Texas Treasure Hunt

$10,000 is buried somewhere in Texas. Will you be the one to find it?

How does the treasure hunt work?

Students ages 6-16 register by clicking on the registration above and selecting THE GLOBE OF MAGELLAN – TEXAS EDITION.”

Once a student registers, he or she completes learning activities to unlock videos to the next clue. The first student to guess the location of the treasure gets to travel to the location and unearth the $10,000.


What is Brain Chase?

Brain Chase is a revolutionary online learning program that makes learning fun. Throughout the year, students enroll at Brain Chase to sharpen their reading, writing, math, and analytical skills. They also learn from over 20 electives of their choice, such as yoga, cooking, and engineering. As students complete their learning activities, they unlock videos that place them as one of the characters in an animation. The animation gives clues as to where a treasure containing $10,000 is buried. Once a day, students have the chance to guess where the treasure is buried based on the clues of the animation. The first student to guess the location within 2 miles wins the treasure and a paid trip to unearth it.

Who is doing Brain Chase?

Students ages 6 to 16 from all over the world participate in Brain Chase. We have students from Dubai, India, Nigeria, Germany, New Zealand and many other locations. Students participate as individuals and teams. Family participation is not only helpful but highly encouraged. Teachers and administrators in both public and private schools also organize student teams each year.