Typing Club Typing Challenge
Whether you’re new to a keyboard, or just want to hone your skills, our summer typing program will boost your keyboarding speed and accuracy.
Brain Chase will provide TypingClub.com accounts for each student who chooses the typing elective. Each week, students will log in and complete different typing exercises at their own typing level. Once they’ve mastered different techniques and keystrokes, they’ll be able to move forward to more advanced lessons. If they need additional practice, they’re also welcome to go back and review earlier concepts.
- TypingClub has enriching programs for all levels of typists, from beginners to advanced
- Time-based challenges allow students to repeat exercises if necessary, and still receive credit
- Students will improve keyboard skills, thus improving efficiency in may other areas of study
- Must have access to an actu
al computer keyboard; cannot be completed on a tablet or other mobile device
- Available only during the Summer Treasure Hunt
For more information about the TypingClub Typing Challenge, email us at info@brainchase.com.