United Way Bulletin Board
The Program Bulletin Board is designed to keep you posted with the latest hints, tips, and updates. Be sure to check back often, and please check your email regularly (please whitelist us so we don’t get stuck in your SPAM filter!).
- 3/6/20 – Get ready for Week Two! Please note – Melanie will be standing by to grade the assignments – please text her at the number below when you’re ready for her to review them. Good luck!
- 2/28/20 – Stuck on a “Bonus Challenge?” Just type the word “Bonus” and you’ll be advanced through it. Good luck!
- 2/28/20 – Welcome to the Brain Chase pilot, Take 2! We’re excited to see how the kids like doing the videos/treasure hunt version. Keep us posted!
- Contact info:
- Allan: 562-243-2616
- Melanie: 801-682-5167
- Ivan: 480-685-1363
- Vianey: 480-559-1824
Weekly Supply Lists
- Engineering
- Week 1: one ketchup packet, one 1 liter bottle (with lid), water
- Week 2: foam core (3×6 in), strong tape, balloon, bottle cap, 2 straws, x-acto blade, pencil, wooden skewer, scissors, ruler, some cardboard
- Week 3: 1 teabag, lighter or matches, 1 dinner plate
- Week 4: marshmallows, toothpicks
- Week 5: 1 plastic cup, 1 small balloon, 1 large balloon, 1 straw, masking tape, scissors
- Week 6: container of hot water, vase, ice, empty bowl
- Art
- Week 1: 1 thick piece of paper (like cardstock), paint in various colors (acrylic works best), 2-4 straws, liquid soap (dish or hand soap), cups and bowls, water
- Week 2: duct tape (various colors and patterns, if possible), 1 envelope (Tyvek, if possible), scissors
- Week 3: tissue paper (designed paper would be better, but plain is fine), glue, dried herbs or potpourri, stapler, string
- Week 4: craft paint (minimum 2 colors), small canvas, Ziploc bag
- Week 5: oil pastels or crayons, paper, liquid soap, tempera paint (any color), sponge brush, bowl, a pointed-tip object (like an awl or a paperclip)
- Week 6: potato, paint and paintbrush, paper, kitchen knife, cookie cutter (optional)
Escape Room Tips:
- We strongly recommend using the latest versions of the Firefox, Chrome, and Safari web browsers. We do not recommend using Microsoft Edge or Explorer for the Escape Rooms.
- Make the Escape Rooms bigger! Enlarge your screen to zoom in (Tablets and touch-screens: pinch the screen / PC: CNTRL + ‘+’/ Mac: CMMD + OPTION + ‘=’).
- Returning after a previous Escape Room program? You might need to refresh your browser cache! Click here for instructions.
- Using a tablet? It’s difficult to know what to click! For a change of view, use a desktop or laptop with a mouse. Every time the cursor hovers over a clickable item, the mouse icon will appear as a finger.
- Whatever device you’re using, we highly recommend projecting the Escape Rooms on a big screen and involving others. Escaping is much more fun with friends!
General Resources:
(Not receiving our emails? Check your spam folder, and make sure to add us to your “safe list.” Or send us a note at info@brainchase.com and we’ll be sure to add you. In the meantime, everything we send gets posted right here, so keep checking back.)