User Covenant – Brain Chase New Year's Resolution Challenge
There’s no shortcut to adventure, and Brain Chase will be much more fun if everyone agrees to play by the rules. Please review this User Covenant and only proceed if you, and a parent (if you are a minor) are willing to comply. To sign, please check the appropriate boxes under each account on the Parent Dashboard.
Entrant Covenant: As a participant in Brain Chase, I agree to the following:
- I will put forth my best effort to complete the entire program.
- I will not take shortcuts, cheat, or have someone else do my resolution challenge work for me.
- If I am a minor, I understand that I can ask my parent/guardian for help with the challenges and treasure hunt if necessary, but I will take the lead.
- I will exercise good sportsmanship at all times. I understand that Brain Chase relies on the integration of multiple emerging technologies and that there may be some bumps along the way – but I won’t allow technology issues or the element of competition to overshadow my love of adventure and learning.
Parent/Guardian Covenant (if applicable): As the parent or guardian of a minor participant, I agree to the following:
- I will provide the time, technology, and encouragement necessary for my child to complete the entire program.
- I will make sure my child completes the work by himself/herself. I will not allow my child to take shortcuts or cheat.
- I understand that I can provide assistance with the bonus challenges and treasure hunt, but I will encourage my child to take the lead.
- I will model good sportsmanship for my child at all times. I understand that Brain Chase relies on the integration of multiple emerging technologies and that there may be some bumps along the way – but I won’t allow technology issues or the element of competition to overshadow our love of adventure and learning.
Good luck, adventurers!