Virtual Sundial
Haven’t received a sundial? Don’t worry. Click on this link and follow the instructions provided to download and print a paper sundial.
Study the diagram below to see how a sundial works. Here are the three parts you’ll want to remember:
- Gnomon – This is the pointer that casts the shadow. You’ll want to keep it oriented toward the 12 on the face of the sundial. You can also adjust the angle of the gnomon; here’s a great video explaining why this is necessary.
- Sundial times – These are the numbers written on the face of the sundial. If the sundial is properly calibrated and pointing North, the shadow will point to the correct sundial time (i.e., when your watch says 3pm, the shadow will point to the 3:00 sundial time). Note that sundials do not account for daylight savings time, so at 3pm daylight time, a properly calibrated sundial will cast a shadow at 2:00.
- Gnomon times – Normally, you’d always want to point your sundial to the North – but this time, Tate Grayson has something else in mind. To solve the dungeon labyrinth, you’ll need to rotate the sundial (the entire sundial, not just the gnomon) to find “gnomon times.” You’re basically tricking your sundial – you’re going outside at 3pm daylight time, but making the shadow point to a sundial time other than 2pm. The “gnomon time” is the direction the gnomon needs to point in order to cast this shadow. For example, to get a 3pm daylight sun to cast a shadow over the sundial’s 11, you’ll need to rotate your sundial such that the gnomon points due East. To make the shadow point to the sundial’s 2, you’d need to turn it to point due North. These numbers are not shown on the face of a sundial, but they can be seen on the diagram below in blue.
Good luck, adventurers!