Escape Room Hints – Nefertari's Tomb
Educators and Parents: Please only use these hints and solutions as a last resort if your students become hopelessly stuck. As you can imagine, the puzzles are more fun if the students struggle to complete them on their own. That said, we hope that each student will complete the program, so we never want the Escape challenges to hold them back. We trust you to use your best judgement in deciding how much to help.
- Warm-up Week
- Headquarters:
- Hidden Word: Look for thee hidden letters scattered around the room. When strung together, they spell ESCAPE. Type that word into the Escape Challenge to advance.
- Supply Closet:
- You’ll find a canteen, a compass, a shovel, and a flashlight. These tools will each come in handy later on.
- Headquarters:
- Week One
- Archive Room:
- Objective: Find the four-digit code to unlock the file cabinet
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- “Fragile” box: You’ll need to stand on this to reach the scroll on top of the bookcase. Find the hidden code and type it on the scroll.
- Scroll: Using the box code, you’ll open the scroll to reveal a calendar without numbers. Three “dates” are circled, but we won’t know the dates without the MONTH and YEAR.
- Dictionary: Follow the link to access an Arabic – English Dictionary on Google Books. You’ll need this book to decipher any “dictionary codes” that you find. Dictionary codes contain three numbers, representing the PAGE, COLUMN, and ENTRY in the dictionary.
- Dark space on the bookshelf: It’s too dark! Use the FLASHLIGHT code from the second room in the Warm-up Week to shine the light. You’ll find three numbers – use the dictionary code to find the correct MONTH for the calendar.
- File folder: The file references a famous explorer, but the date of his find is missing. Do a Google search to see what he found, and the YEAR of his find.
- Solving the code: Now that you know the MONTH and YEAR, you can do a Google search for that specific calendar – and using the circled dates from the scroll, find the four numbers that will unlock the filing cabinet (5826).
- Projector and treasure chest: These will come in handy later on.
- Other clues: see any pigpen cipher clues? Any references to a famous composer? These clues might be helpful in the search for the thief’s meetingplace.
- File Cabinet:
- You’ll find a folder, some Egyptian money, a decoder medallion, a pocketknife, and a broom. These items might come in handy later on.
- Archive Room:
- Week Two
- Marketplace:
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- Objective: Find the passwords to give the man behind the curtain.
- Pile of sand: You’ll need a shovel to find what’s hidden here. Check the Locker Room from the Warm-up Week!
- Key / Chest: The key opens the chest, and the chest contains a hint to finding the secret passwords. You’ll need to find the Ancient Egyptian translations for two words.
- Camel: The camel hides a URL and a few other hints to finding the passwords (try the Dictionary Code using the link from the Archive Room). You’ll need to go online and do some sleuthing through a museum exhibit to find the words. Specifically, checking the Mummy exhibit on the 2nd floor reveals that the words “ba and ka” represent “soul” and “life force.” That’s your answer.
- Snake: The camel may be hiding some great clues, but he’s not in any hurry to leave. The snake in the basket might speed things up a bit.
- Puzzle box and cheese: These will come in handy later on.
- Other clues: These will be helpful for determining the meeting’s location, but are not relevant to the escape room.
- Letter from our Cairo contact:
- The message will help point you in the right direction for Week Three – and also contains a few other secrets.
- Marketplace:
- Week Three
- Pyramids:
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- Objective: Open a secret compartment in one of the statues to find a hidden map!
- Pile of sand: There’s something written here! Get the canteen code from the Locker (Warm-up Week) and pour it here to reveal a QR code for a Google page about the Great Pyramids
- Hidden compartments on the statue: The statue on the left contains three hidden compartments, each opened by answering a pyramid-related question. Visit this URL to find the answers (Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure). Hint: scroll left and right instead of up and down.
- The open compartments reveal three numbers; use these with the Dictionary Code (find the dictionary in the Archive Room) to find the secret password to open the box (pyramid).
- The green lock box will come into play later, and the other clues are relevant for solving the meeting’s location.
- Map:
- Use the compass to orient the map! Now you’re ready to continue the journey…
- Pyramids:
- Week Four
- Temple:
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- Objective: Open the creepy sarcophagus. You’ll need to solve a physics puzzle to find the code.
- Mouse hole: Remember the cheese from the marketplace? First, you need to buy it with some money you found earlier. Then, use the cheese to lure a rat out into the open. He has a key.
- Chest: Use the rat’s key to open the chest. Inside you’ll find a URL to this physics simulator. You’ll use the “Balance Lab” to solve the puzzle.
- There are four gems hidden in the room; you’ll need to find each gem to see how much they weigh. Now follow the diagram from the chest and input the weights from the gems to design your simulation. In the game, you’ll use bricks instead of gems to simulate what happens when different weights are added at different distances.
- Can you figure out the correct location to put a 20kg weight in order to balance the scale? The distance from the fulcrum is the key to opening the sarcophagus. It’s a whole number (2).
- Sand: Use the hand brush you found earlier to remove some sand and reveal a dictionary code. You’ll use this word to open the canopic jar.
- Canopic Jar: Open this with the word from the sand (balance). Inside, you’ll find something that will help later on.
- There are several other hidden clues, but they are mostly relevant to solving the meeting’s location.
- Blueprints:
- Click on the corner of the blueprints to reveal another meeting location-related clue.
- Temple:
- Week Five
- Tomb:
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- Objective: Open the release mechanism to find the secret passage. You’ll need to search the tomb to find the meaning behind Nefertari’s name.
- Senet board: Closer examination of the senet board reveals different sets of numbers on each square. There’s a phone number hidden here somewhere – find it by following the numbers 1-8, and writing down the numbers of their ‘host squares’ in sequence. For instance, the 1 is located on square #8, the 2 and 3 are on square #5, and the 4 is on square #23. Thus, the first few digits of the phone number are 855-23.-…. When you figure it out, pick up the phone and give it a try. Be ready with a pen and paper to write down what you hear.
- Backpack: The backpack contains the thief’s satellite phone, which displays another phone number worth calling. Again, when you dial it, be ready with a pen and paper.
- Phone numbers: The phone recordings each spell out a series of numbers. You’ll need to use the Dictionary Code again to decipher the messages. The answer will be two words – and these are the words that unlock the secret passage (beautiful companion).
- Symbol: One of the symbols, if pushed, reveals a key. This key opens the chest in the tomb, revealing something that will come in very handy later.
- There are several other hidden clues, but they are mostly relevant to solving the meeting’s location.
- Tunnel:
- You made it! Watch out for a few clickable boobytraps…
- Tomb:
- Week Six
- Secret Room:
- Don’t forget to click on the phone and the magnifying glass for story information and hints!
- Objective: Escape! You’ll need to go through an exit in the ceiling
- Thief: You found him! It’s Chuckie Lupica, a member of the Grayson Academy of Antiquities (thank you to the Lupica family for volunteering for the cameo!). Chuckie is holding the missing senet board, and also a key to the Archive Room that will come in handy
- Four Doors: Three will lead to a dangerous boobytrap, but one will contain the secret to opening the stone chest. You’ll need four different stone keys, scattered throughout the puzzle:
- One key is at the pyramid, behind a stone that must be pried loose with a pocket knife
- One key is in the temple, hiding inside a canopic jar. To open it, you’ll need to find a hidden word in the same room
- One is hiding in Nefertari’s tomb, inside a chest. The key is hiding behind a symbol elsewhere in the room
- The final key is hiding inside the puzzle box at the Cairo marketplace. To open the puzzle box, you’ll need to use the thief’s key to open the chest in the Archive Room, then use the fuse to repair the projector
- Stone Chest: One of the doors, when open, reveals the key for opening a stone box containing a key marked with a pyramid. Use this on the lock box at the pyramid to find the key to the toolchest in Nefertari’s tomb. Inside is a crowbar.
- Toolbox: Use the crowbar to pry open the toolbox in the escape corridor. You’ll find the tool you need to escape through the passage in the ceiling.
- Secret Room:
Phew! Were you able to figure it out? Stay tuned for the solution to the secret meeting’s location…