Getting Started with Brain Chase
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Watch these quick videos first!
Registering for Brain Chase
Using the Parent Dashboard
Using the Student Dashboard
Using Electives with Submissions
Using Electives with Software
Upgrading Electives
Good Luck!
How do we get started with Brain Chase?
- Choose an upcoming program and register here
- Shortly after submitting your registration you’ll receive a welcome email with a link to your Parent Dashboard
- It can take several minutes to receive this email – please be patient
- Please check your SPAM folders if you’re not seeing the welcome email
- Not seeing the email? You can visit app.brianchase.com and click “password reset.” Check your SPAM folder, reset your password, and you’re in.
- Follow the link to your Parent Dashboard and proceed to:
- Create a new Parent username and password
- Locate the login information for your kids
- Create a “Leaderboard name” for each player
- Sign the User Covenants for each participant (mandatory)
- Confirm each participant’s mailing address
- Adjust electives, make elective upgrade purchases, or modify subscription details if necessary
- You’re all set! Now you wait for the Warm-up Week to begin. Just LOG OUT as a parent, and LOG BACK IN as a student to access the Dashboard.
What do we do when the Chase begins?
At the appointed day and time, participants can access their Dashboards by visiting www.brainchase.com and clicking the “Log In” button in the upper right-hand corner. To log in, enter the participant’s credentials as listed on the Parent Dashboard.
Do we have to log in precisely when the dashboard opens?
No! Participants can start Brain Chase at any time. There is no penalty for starting late and no reward for starting right when it opens. It is always possible to catch up.
What is the “Warm-up Week”?
In order to facilitate a smooth onboarding experience, Brain Chase grants users a one-week period to try the different electives, sync their accounts, and make sure everything is working properly before the first clues are released. THE WARM-UP WEEK IS MANDATORY, NOT OPTIONAL. That means that you won’t be able to see Week One until you complete the Warm-up Challenges. It’s structured just like the other weeks, except:
- The weekly requirements are minimal
- No clues are available and no treasure guesses are allowed
- Student information won’t appear on the Parent Dashboard
We opted to receive the Adventure Tools… what if my student hasn’t received any packages in the mail yet?
Don’t worry! If you have customized your student’s account in the Parent Dashboard and submitted your current mailing address, your first package will be arriving shortly. Virtual versions of each adventure tool will be made available, so if you are traveling or don’t get your tool in time, you will not be at a disadvantage. If you would like to receive your adventure tool at a different location from the address you put into the Parent Dashboard, please email us at info@brainchase.com and we will do our best to accommodate your travel plans.
What if we have trouble getting into the academic partners’ sites?
We’ve worked hard to make sure participants can seamlessly access our academic partners through the Student Dashboard. But if you have trouble getting in, or if you notice that the Student Dashboard isn’t registering work on the partner site, please first check our FAQ and Technical Requirements pages. If you’re still having problems, click the Support button or reach out to us at info@brainchase.com and we will help you fix the problem. Your ability to participate in the Treasure Hunt or Escape Room contest is not affected if you have technical problems.
How can I keep track of my student’s work?
Parents, Guides and Teachers can log into their dashboard at any time and check on your student’s academic progress. Additionally, we will send you an email each week inviting you to revisit your Parent Dashboard and check in on their work.
How do we look for the prize?
Clues to the treasure’s location are hidden throughout the animations and Escape Rooms. As you advance, take careful note of numbers, symbols, maps and even plot twists. These all lead to the location of the treasure. For more detailed insight into the Treasure Hunt and Escape Room puzzles, you can read this blog post by Brain Chase founder Allan Staker, and follow the comments and hints posted on our Facebook page.
How do we win?
Every 24 hours, each participant can drop a pin on the Map page to register a guess as to the location of the artifact or treasure. A countdown clock will let your student know how long they must wait before guessing again. The winning pin must be placed within a 2-mile radius of the actual location. If typing in coordinates instead of dropping a pin on the map, make sure you adhere to the recommended format.
Could the treasure be located before the end of the program?
Sure, but someone would have to be very lucky to drop a pin within a 2-mile radius before they’ve collected all of the clues to the riddle. Clues will continue coming even through the very last video or room, so the best strategy for winning is simply to continue advancing through the academic challenges or Escape Rooms, study the clues, and keep making educated guesses on the map. In addition to pinpointing the treasure’s location, the winner must also complete all of their work for the the program.
When will a winner be announced?
We will not announce the winner until the final week of each program is complete. It may even take a few days after the final videos or rooms are unlocked for someone to actually pinpoint the location. In general, you can expect a winner to be announced during or after each program’s final week.
Have additional questions? Visit our FAQ section or email us at info@brainchase.com. Good luck, adventurers!