How Do Parents Use Brain Chase?
Here's how parents around the world are using Brain Chase in their homes.

Brain Chase is the perfect summer learning program.
Already planning on basketball camp this summer? Great! Now it's basketball + long division. Doing some horseback riding? Now you're also learning Italian. Whether you're shoring up the basics like reading, writing, and math, or having some fun with coding, engineering, and art, Brain Chase is the perfect add-on to any summer schedule.
We offer intensive weekly programs and one summer-long treasure hunt - so you can mix and match according to your schedule.
Brain Chase is the ideal after-school program.
Is your student learning at a different pace from the rest of the class? Use Brain Chase to zoom ahead in core subjects, or as a way to go back and review some of the fundamentals. Are there classes your school isn't teaching, like creative writing, foreign languages, or cooking? You can use Brain Chase to fill in the gaps. Looking for an alternative to Netflix time in the evenings? We can help with that, too.
MEET OUR PAST WINNERSBrain Chase works wonders for homeschoolers.
Not only will Brain Chase help you customize an academic program to fit your student's exact needs, but it also provides built-in pacing, a global community, and the motivation to stick with it. Plus, your student will get a massive boost in 21st century skills like collaboration and teamwork, creativity and imagination, critical thinking, and problem solving.
CHECK OUT THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITYBrain Chase is an engaging family activity.
Looking for some family bonding time? See how this parent describes Brain Chase: “This experience is like living the best adventure story... as it is being written! Oh, the wonderful stories that must be unfolding for each participant because of Brain Chase. I love it. I have never had this much fun! Up to this point we’ve already ‘won’ so much from this treasure hunt... In addition to academic growth for our kids, we’ve gained an extraordinary, energetic, meaningful family experience... So onward we go, sleuthing and guessing, deciphering and navigating, never being certain of our guesses, and so very much enjoying the thrill of the hunt!”