National Summer Learning Day. It’s a thing.

As it turns out, we here at Brain Chase are not the only ones concerned about the “summer slide.”

And no, we’re not referring to a slide at the water park. We’re talking about the dreaded summer learning loss that happens to most students every summer. The fact of the matter is that each summer, students forget a lot of the material they learned in the previous school year. Don’t believe us? First Lady Michelle Obama does.

National Summer Learning Day

To help bring awareness to this issue, National Summer Learning Association has developed a National Summer Learning Day. Its purpose: “…to highlight the importance of keeping kids learning, safe and healthy every summer.” This year, National Summer Learning Day is Thursday, July 14.

You can participate in National Summer Learning Day by attending a learning activity or challenge in your community, downloading to your Kindle a free copy of Summers Matter: 10 Things Every Parent, Teacher, & Principal Should Know About June, July, & August, or joining the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. To learn more, visit the NSLA’s website.

Summer learning. It really should last more than one day.

Of course one day of summer learning is better than none. But why not summer learning program, one that will keep them learning for a good portion of the summer? Kids2015.9

So far this summer, Brain Chase students have built towers, learned French, baked pizzas, carved sculptures, earned energy points for completing math, amongst numerous other tasks. And, Tristan Pastathey’re doing all of it while in search of a real-life buried treasure. We’ve cleverly disguised learning as a fun challenge!

You don’t have to wait until next summer to sign up for the fun. We are also a fall and spring after-school program…the perfect supplement to your child’s education.

Visit our website and register for this fall’s session today.

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