Don’t We All Need A Summer Vacation?

summer reading

Last year, I was responsible for a major computer implementation at work. It was a new payroll system with the potential to impact paychecks for the entire company. Needless to say, I was stressed.

Since the system was not going live until 2014, I decided to take some time off for Christmas. In total, I took about two weeks. For the first week, I did absolutely nothing. I never even turned on my computer. Because of this break, I began to feel rejuvenated.

During the second week, I began to check in with some industry blogs and even read some emails. I even began to think strategically about how I was approaching my project. By the end of the second week, my mind and body were both ready to reengage and get back to work.

The renewal that I felt after my two week vacation is not surprising. Research has shown that when you are in stressful situations like work or school, taking vacations can buffer or even reduce stress build up as well as provide a different perspective of the situation.

Although studies support the idea that vacations are good for people, other studies suggest that there are exceptions this this rule. For example, a century of research confirms that if students are not engaged in regular learning over the two to three month summer break, they regress in their math, reading, and writing skills.

Fortunately, there is a way to prevent this regression. According to a report issued by the Rand Corporation in 2011, students that participate in summer learning programs can disrupt the educational loss and outperform their peers that do not participate.

Of course, it is summer vacation – a time for kids to relax and recharge. The challenge is in finding the right balance between vacation and learning.

At Brain Chase, we believe that we can help you find that balance. In the 6-week Summer Learning Challenge, students are required to log at least an hour of reading each week. In addition, the program is designed so that students spend approximately 20 minutes each day sharpening their math skills. We also require students to write one paper each week. We entice students to complete these tasks by wrapping the challenge in an epic global search for a buried treasure and a $10,000 scholarship fund.

All told, a student in the Brain Chase program will spend about an hour each day during the summer actively engaged in learning.  The other 23 hours can be spent relaxing and preparing for the upcoming school year.

If you would like to learn more about the Brain Chase Summer Learning Challenge, sign up to receive updates today.