Month: February 2014

The great summer bummer

  Startling research shows that kids lose more ground academically over the summer than one might expect. In fact, summers are arguably one of the least recognized yet most important causal factors for underachievement in schools. This 2011 RAND study found that by the end of summer, students perform, on average, one month behind where […]

Three Tips for Parents to Promote Summer Learning

In designing Brain Chase, we took advantage of the surprisingly large collection of research about how to help children stay smart over the summer. One great resource is the book Making Summer Count: How Summer Programs Can Boost Children’s Learning. Its author is Jennifer Sloan Combs, Ph.D., a senior officer at the RAND Corporation. Here […]

How we chose the best online content partners for Brain Chase

Online learning is a disruptive innovation that is transforming the way the world learns. Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School, along with co-authors Michael B. Horn and Curtis Johnson, made that claim in 2008 when they first published the best-selling book Disrupting Class. Many reacted with skepticism initially, but with the passage of time, […]