My daughter turned six earlier this month. To celebrate her birthday, we hosted a party at an indoor trampoline park and invited a number of her friends. We figured that if we placed our daughter and her pals in a fun filled environment, they would be able to find their own entertainment. But before long, my daughter and her pack of friends approached me and uttered the two words that parents despise – “I’m bored.”
I was genuinely surprised by this pronouncement. I had placed her in a very stimulating environment and surrounded her with 10 of her friends. If she could get bored at a trampoline park, she could get bored anywhere.

Sculpture by Marianne Groh of a bored child, the bane of every parent in the summer. Courtesy of
This summer vacation, parents everywhere can expect to repeatedly hear expressions of boredom from their children. Here are 10 enriching summer activity ideas that might help us pre-empt those two cringe-worthy words:
- Make a Movie – Steven Spielberg began making movies as a teenager using a Super 8 Camera. Today’s smart phones are equipped with a better camera and even better editing software than what Spielberg was using. Making a movie is a simple yet effective way to combat boredom. You could even involve others and host a neighborhood film festival.
- Try a New Sport – We all like our children to specialize in certain activities, but many experts believe that early on, variety should be the goal. Why not mix it up a bit and let them try something new? The summer is a great time to experiment with developing new talents and interests.
- Have a Craft Box – Kids are crafty in general and are genuinely interested in making stuff. One of the more popular toys in recent months has been the “Rainbow Looms” friendship bracelets. For some reason, kids find these irresistible. Combat boredom by encouraging your kids to build or make something.
- Start a Business – We had a neighborhood garage sale recently within our association. I decided that my kids could capitalize on the increased traffic in our neighborhood by selling cake pops and lemonade to the shoppers. They made the cake pops and sold them all morning. Although they did not turn a huge profit, they learned some basic business principles and were very proud of their accomplishment. Plus, it kept them busy for three days.
- Library Trips – Planning trips to the library serves two purposes. First, it is a trip out of the house, which kids always enjoy. Second, at the library, they can check books that they can turn to when they are bored.
- Start a Blog – Similar to the library trip, starting a blog serves to purposes. One, it teaches them fun new skills like web design and photography. Second, it encourages them to write, a skill that is essential for their success in the future.
- Tour a Factory – Many factories provide free tours for anyone who is interested. Try to select some fun ones like ice cream factories or chocolate makers.
- Host a Water Balloon Fight – Who says water balloon fights can’t be enriching and educational? Gather the neighborhood kids together and read them a selection or two from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Then turn them loose with some ammo to see what they’ve learned.
- Create Your Own Puzzles – Instead of simply solving puzzles, see if your children can actually make some of their own. See if they can create mazes or word searches of varying difficulty, and have them share the puzzles with their friends.
- Go on a Real Treasure Hunt – As we have noted in previous posts, a number of real treasures are still waiting to be found. One of these is the gold-plated Globe of Magellan – the trophy of the Brain Chase Summer Learning Challenge. Brain Chase is an excellent way to provide your child with an adventure-filled treasure hunt and a best-in-class learning experience at the same time. Show them the Brain Chase trailer and see if they can find the hidden clue. If they can, we think they will be hooked.
Brain Chase fights prevents childhood boredom by ensuring that kids stay engaged in the adventure of learning. To learn more, visit our website today.