Author: Allan Staker

Practice Makes Perfect – Even In The Summer

  Ernst Friedrich Schumacher, an influential economist and thinker in the first half of the twentieth century, wrote that “An ounce of practice is generally worth more than a ton of theory.” Although he may be referring to economic theory and application, I think his words have a much broader meaning. I am not sure […]

Don’t Fall Victim to the “Summer Slide”

  My three children love slides. They find something liberating about dropping quickly from a high altitude and whooshing to the bottom. My children have even discovered how sliding down on a piece of wax paper can actually make the whole experience faster. The “Summer Slide” is also a metaphor that refers to the amount […]

The Gamification of Summer Learning

Gamification [n]: the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. That idea is the heart and soul of Brain Chase and the reason the Summer Learning Challenge is a big opportunity to boost students up a level this summer. Our work is to harness the best elements of game design and bring them to […]