Should students always wait until sixth, seventh, or eighth grades for an introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem? Maybe. But maybe not. Where does it say that students need to approach every mathematical discipline at a certain age or in a certain chronological order? At Brain Chase, we’re big fans of student-directed learning. For instance, we […]
Charting Your Course
Whenever I see a compass, my mind does a quick black & white flashback to the orienteering course I completed at Camp Cris Dobbins as a boy scout. Jaren and I were tasked with retrieving several bright yellow flags hidden deep in a Colorado pine forest using only our compass and a list […]
Time to Add Some Culture
Ready to tackle the Bonus Challenge for Week 2? You’ll need to visit the Google Cultural Institute and dive into the largest virtual art gallery on the web – the Google Art Project. Your task is to track down different paintings, search for their common elements, and find a hidden message. As with […]
What do you know about codes?
Welcome to Week 1 of the Spring 2016 Brain Chase semester! If you’re a team guide this semester, this may be your first time leading your team through a Bonus Challenge. That’s big! And it can be tons of fun too. If you’re not quite sure how to get started or how to get your […]
Summer 2016 Adventure Announced!
Introducing the Mask of Tomoe Gozen Summer 2014 introduced adventurers to Magellan… Summer 2015 brought Cortés… Now, for the Brain Chase Summer 2016, adventurers will learn about Japanese female samurai warrior Tomoe Gozen as the Grayson Academy of Antiquities’ team looks for her valuable lost mask! A perfect backdrop for a summer adventure! Learn more […]
Holiday Gifts from Brain Chase
The snow might just be starting to fall, but it’s never too early to think about next summer. Especially when our Spring 2016 and Summer 2016 adventures make for the perfect holiday gifts! Choose one of our three holiday bundles to get your little adventurer about their next adventure. The Globe of Magellan Spring […]
Curious? Join A Free Demonstration!
Are you curious about how Brain Chase works? Wondering if it’s for you? Have friends who are thinking about trying it out for their kids? We know that Brain Chase is something new, and parents and teachers want to know more before they invest in the program. So Brain Chase is hosting a series of […]
How to Solve Brain Chase 2015: The Sunstone of Cortes
Where was the 2015 Brain Chase treasure buried? What did all of the clues in the animations mean, and how did they all fit together? There were five types of clues hidden in the Summer 2015 animations: red letters, encoded words, clusters of Morse code, hidden pictures, and of course the sunstones, suns, […]
Firefly Festival
Just as the weather started to turn warm this spring, I asked my five-year-old daughter, “What are you looking forward to this summer?” “Fireflies,” she answered. “There’s no way they can get cancelled.” Sadly, she knows the ways of our world. Plans change. People get sick. It rains on parades. Out of necessity, I’m constantly […]
Adventures in Writing, Part 4
Have you ever imagined what it would be like for a human to be a pet to an alien? Well, Persephone M. age 11 of Toronto, Ontario, Canada has! Meaka and Deaka alien, as you know I would really like to get a pet human. Although you don’t want me to have one, I have […]